Bumrungrad Hospital Public Company Limited (the “Company”) operates a 580-bed private hospital in Bangkok capable of handling more than 5,500 outpatients a day. We are also a leading healthcare provider at the regional level, offering a full range of services through advanced medical innovations and teams of competent medical doctors and medical professionals who actively provide services to local and international patients around the world.

Bumrungrad underscores the allocation of the “4C-1W” resources to enhance our competitive advantage. This refers to Critical Care provided to patients in critical conditions; Complicated Care where cutting-edge technology, sophisticated medical innovation, and technology together are actively embraced; Collaboration of Expertise with specialists and partners in all areas; and, finally, VitalLife Scientific Wellness Center where more than two decades of its expertise in wellness and longevity knowledge and experience is currently leveraged to expand itself into a preventive medical center.

Bumrungrad International Hospital in Bangkok is the first hospital in Asia to receive US standard accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI). It is also the first hospital to be approved by Thai Hospital Accreditation (HA) and later receive Advanced Healthcare Accreditation (AHA). Additionally, it is the world’s first hospital to receive Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA) Certification of Conformance with GHA COVID-19 Guidelines for COVID-19 management. Bumrungrad is also the first hospital in Thailand to be accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP). Furthermore, Newsweek has recognized Bumrungrad as one of the world’s top hospitals and Thailand’s No. 1 hospital for four consecutive years since 2021. It has been named the World’s Best Smart Hospital and Best Specialized Hospitals Asia Pacific 2024. The hospital also received the Outstanding Company Performance Awards under Business Excellence category at the SET Awards 2024, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Money and Banking Magazine.

Corporate structure (as of 31 December 2024)

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The Company has 11 subsidiaries, namely (1) Asia Global Health Limited, (2) Asia Global Research Company Limited, (3) Bumrungrad Health Network Company Limited (formerly known as Bumrungrad Personnel Development Center Company Limited), (4) Bumrungrad International Hospital Phuket Company Limited, (5) Bumrungrad Personnel Development and Training Center Company Limited, (6) Bumrungrad Services Company Limited, (7) Health Horizons Enterprises Pte. Ltd., (8) Life and Longevity Limited, (9) Ruenmongkol Company Limited, (10) Vitallife Corporation Limited, and (11) Vitallife Allianz Company Limited.

The Company also has seven indirect subsidiaries, namely (1) Bumrungrad Myanmar Company Limited (80%-owned through Bumrungrad Health Network Company Limited), (2) Bumrungrad Mongolia LLC (80%-owned through Bumrungrad Health Network Company Limited which acquired the shares from Health Horizons Enterprises Pte. Ltd. in 2023), (3) Bumrungrad Spine Network Company Limited (75%-owned through Bumrungrad Health Network Company Limited), (4) Keyoniq Health AG (100%-owned through Bumrungrad Health Network Company Limited) (formerly Vitallife Switzerland AG)), (5) Keyoniq Switzerland AG (100%-owned through Bumrungrad Health Network Company Limited), (6) Lifestyletech Solution Company Limited (100%-owned through Bumrungrad Services Company Limited) (formerly P53 Life Sciences Company Limited), (7) Seoul Seniors Towers LLC (approx. 41%-owned with control as per its shareholding portion through Bumrungrad Health Network Company Limited and Bumrungrad Mongolia LLC).

The Company has two associated companies, namely (1) 50%-owned BB Health Venture Company Limited and (2) 50%-indirectly owned RAKxa Venture Company Limited through Vitallife Allianz Company Limited.

Details of subsidiaries, affiliated companies, and associated companies are as follows:

Asia Global Health Limited (“AGH”) has served as a company that supports the strategy for regional investment in healthcare and related business. It is now a dormant company.

Asia Global Research Company Limited (“AGR”) is the provider of clinical research, both within Thailand and Southeast Asia. Acting as the contract research organization (CRO), AGR conducts research and provides drug R&D planning advice for pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment first, and other clinical research companies with the purpose of achieving quality and precise research outcomes and information. AGR also operates the Esperance Integrative Cancer Clinic, iConic drug store, and direct marketing.

Bumrungrad Health Network Company Limited (“BHN”) (previously Bumrungrad Personnel Development Center Co., Ltd.) is a company that focuses on investing in healthcare and related businesses, both domestic and overseas.

Bumrungrad International Hospital Phuket Company Limited ("BIHP") operates the services business of sanatorium.

Bumrungrad Myanmar Company Limited ("BM”) operates a private primary care and medical diagnostic services clinic in Myanmar.

Bumrungrad Mongolia LLC (“BML”) is a holding company registered in Mongolia, which supports the Company’s strategy for overseas investment in healthcare and related businesses.

Bumrungrad Personnel Development and Training Center Company Limited ("BPDTC”) is a personnel development and training company that focuses on improving and expanding the capabilities of clinical and healthcare services to the Company and affiliated companies only.

Bumrungrad Services Company Limited (“BS”) is a company that supports the strategy for referral services to both domestic and foreign patients and provides healthcare-related training services to non-affiliated companies.

Bumrungrad Spine Network Company Limited (“BSN”) is a company that provides consulting and management services to healthcare facilities.

Health Horizons Enterprises Pte. Ltd. (“HHE”) is a holding company registered in Singapore, which supports the Company’s strategy for overseas investment in healthcare and related businesses.

Keyoniq Health AG (“KH”) was formerly known as Inovital International AG (“Inovital”). BHN acquired all the shares of Inovital and rebranded the company to Vitallife Switzerland AG (“VTLS”) in the third quarter of 2023. In 2024, VTLS changed its name to Keyoniq Health AG. KH offers and provides innovative, science-based medical treatment services and products aimed at predictive, preventive, revitalizing and regenerative care.

Keyoniq Switzerland AG ("KYQ") is a research and development company that provides AI powered data centric software applications for the healthcare domain.

Life and Longevity Limited (“LLL”) registered in Hong Kong Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China, is a holding company for overseas investments of the Company.

Lifestyletech Solution Company Limited ("LTS") (formerly P53 Life Sciences Co., Ltd. (“PLS”) operates digital platform service business.

Ruenmongkol Company Limited (“RM”) owns the land on Sukhumvit Soi 1 (approximately 3-3-44.4 rai). The Company has built a car park building thereon and is currently constructing two additional buildings intended to serve as a sanatorium.

Seoul Seniors Towers LLC (“SST”) is a company that owns and operates Ulaanbaatar Songdo Hospital in Mongolia.

Vitallife Corporation Limited (“Vitallife”) is a pioneer in longevity medicine, integrating predictive, preventive, rejuvenating, and regenerative strategies for optimal healthy lifestyles. Vital Life brings together cutting-edge technologies to provide patients with the means to “Feel Younger, Look Better, and Live Longer”. Biomarker analysis, advanced supplementation, toxicity assessments, early detection, and regenerative medicine are key Vital Life analytics. Vitallife also operates a skin clinic and a direct marketing business selling organic cosmetic products as well.

Vitallife Allianz Company Limited (“VTLA”) is a company that operates a wellness clinic at Bangkrajao in Thailand.

BB Health Venture Company Limited (“BBHV”) is a joint venture company formed by Bumrungrad Hospital Public Company Limited and BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited. It engages in the business of sanatorium.

RAKxa Venture Co., Ltd. (“RAKxa”) is a joint venture company formed by Vitallife Allianz Company Limited and Rx Wellness Company Limited, a subsidiary of M.K. Real Estate Development Public Company Limited. It engages in the business of a wellness center, clinic and medical center, and rehabilitation center.